Athletic Medicine » Mental Health Information & Resources

Mental Health Information & Resources

Between life, school, sports and everyday challenges we sometimes feel like it can be too much. It is ok to not be ok. There are people to talk to to offer some assisantace and tools to help cope with the stress and anxiety that we all can experience.

If you, or you someone you know is stuggling, please reach out for help! You matter!

Mental Health Resources

1. At School Counselors. Your counselor is there to support you, and if you are concerned about your mental health or want to talk to someone, they are located in the Wolverine Center. While counselors are not licensed therapists, they do have some mental health training.
2. Mending Matters. Mending Matters is an organization partnered with PUSD to provide mental health. Marquessa Castorena works with Mending Matters and is a mental health provider located in the Wolverine Center throughout the entire week. She also holds group sessions. If you feel as though this is a resource you need support from, please talk to your counselor for more information.
3. Caring Connections. The district has a program called Caring Connections in which families participate in a conference to discuss stressors, medical background, and the student's mental health. At the conference, an action plan is created and parents are informed of school and community resources for therapy as well as various eligibility according to insurance plans.


California Health & Safety Code Section 124260 Under California law, kids as young as 12 are able to consent to mental health treatment and receive it without their parent/guardian's permission. Providers are generally expected to involve parents with mental health treatment unless deemed inappropriate after consulting with the minor. What does this mean for you? If you are unable to access therapy because of a lack of parental consent for any reason, you can directly call your pediatrician and request for mental health treatment and explain your request for no parental involvement. From that point onwards, you have full confidentiality with your therapist, and parents cannot request for records without the minor's permission. In this case, the minor's parents would also not be liable for payment for the treatment. You deserve help, and there are people out there who want to, and do help. You're not alone. "California’s Mental Health Parity Act, as amended in 2020, requires all state-regulated commercial health plans and insurers to provide full coverage for the treatment of all mental health conditions and substance use disorders."

No-cost Resources for Support

If you or someone else is going through an urgent crisis or emergency, please contact 911 or a crisis hotline immediately. The resources below are not meant for emergency situations.
Teen Line - A text-line with professionally trained teens to offer a safe space, support, & resources
Anxiety Canada - Video & audio resources as well as plans for managing anxiety; CBT app & forum
Headspace - One on one free chat/call with a trained clinician to create a confidential, safe space
NAMI Strength of Us - Resources, opportunities to connect with others through online discussions

Online Therapy Resources

Below is a list of licensed or associate therapists for affordable/adjustable prices to consult virtually.
Teen Counseling - Online therapy with a licensed therapist from $60-90 per week. Parents are responsible for payment
NISD Counseling - Online therapy with master's level counseling associates for $40-80/session
Tele-Mental Health USD - Online therapy with advanced graduate counseling student clinicians. Scholarships are offered, and sessions range from $15-$40. Offered to all ages.
YMCA Behavioral & Mental Health Services - Online and in-person therapy with a range of services. Fees are "assessed on a sliding scale depending upon ability to pay or eligibility criteria for free services"

Additional Resources:

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-8255 (TALK), or Text HELLO to 741741
National Alliance on Mental Illness: 800-950-NAMI
California Youth Crisis Line: 800-843-5200
Teen to Teen Mentoring/Counseling: 877-YOUTHLINE
Mental Health America: 800-969-NMHA (6642)
NMDA Depression Hotline Support Group: 800-826-3632
National Youth Crisis Hotline: 800-448-4663
Crisis Text Line: Text NAMI to 741-741
National Eating Disorder Association Helpline: (800) 931-2237
National Sexual Assault Hotline: 800-656-4673
Transgender Suicide Lifeline: 1-877-565-8860
The Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386, or Text 678-678
The Matthew Shepard Foundation Youth Resources
Parents & Friends Support (PFLAG) 

Understanding Athlete Burnout & Mental Health
The Effects of Stress
Mental Health Resources

“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.” – Robin Williams