About Us » Logo Standards

Logo Standards

Westview Logo Standards

The Westview Graphic Identity Manual is your guide to implementing the Westview Wolverines graphic standards program. It establishes a school-wide standard for the use of the logo, and guidelines for printed communications.

The key to the success of the program is the proper and consistent use of these standards by every employee and vendor involved in the development of school associated materials.

If questions arise after consulting the manual, please contact the Westview Principal.

Westview Graphic Identity Manual Download

Graphics File Download:  To download these files, right click on the link, choose "save target as", change the extension to .EPS, save to your computer.

Claw Logo

logo2 logo3 horlogo1 horlogo2

Two color, white background

Two color, black background


One color


Approved variation

Use one of the claw graphics. A graphic designer may change "Wolverines" to reflect your group or team using the correct font as shown.

Stacked Logo

StackedLogo2 Stackedlogo3 logoclr stackedlogo4

Two color, white background


Two color, black background


One color


Approved Variation

Use one of the "W" graphics. A graphic designer may add your group or team name in the correct font as shown.

Horizontal Logo


Two color, white background:   


Two color, black background:  


One color:  

"W" Wordmark

W logo2 logo W reversed W logo1
Two color, white background Two color, black background One color

Brush Script Wordmark

 brush script logo4 brush script logo2 brush script logo3
Two color, white background Two color, black background One color
Westview Wolverine
Image1 image2 image 6
One color, Black background-1 One color, white background One color, black background-2
image4 Imange5 image3
Two color, black background Two color, white background Two color, grey background