Academics » Concurrent Enrollment

Concurrent Enrollment

College or university courses may be taken for high school credit if prior permission is received from the principal or designee. Arrangement to apply this credit toward high school graduation must be made prior to the first meeting of the course, and the following stipulations apply:
  1. A maximum of 40 credits (or up to 10 classes) may count toward high school graduation credit on the student’s transcript. Only 20 credits from K-12 or private language schools.
  2. In order for concurrent courses to transfer back to the high school transcript, courses must be Intersegmental General Education Transfer Courses (IGETC) approved for transfer to the University of California or California State University systems or be district-approved Career Technical Education pathway courses. The institution offering the college/university coursework must be accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).
  3. Poway Unified requires students to have a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher; ideally a minimum of 2.5
  4. After receiving approval from Westview High School’s administration, the student or parent/guardian shall submit a transcript showing completion of the course with a passing grade in order to receive district credit for coursework completed at a community college or four-year college. Unless enrolled in a special alternative program (such as Early or Middle College), students may apply a maximum of forty (40) high school credits for courses taken outside the district.Such coursework must be in the fields and subjects included in the District’s course of study.
  5. Please note that students are not required to transfer credits back to their high school transcript.  In fact, it may not be in the student’s best interest to transfer the credit back as it doesn’t transfer as weighted credit. You are advised to discuss with your counselor before requesting to transfer the class back to the Westview transcript. College coursework may not be used for grade suppression purposes (i.e., D/F make-up).
  6. Parents and students take full responsibility to verify the course(s) meet 4-year college admissions requirements and NCAA, NAIA athletic eligibility requirements.
College Units Equivalent High School
2 semester units (3 qtr. units) 2.5 credits
3 semester units (4.5 qtr. units) 5 credits
4 semester units (6 qtr. units) 5 credits*
5 semester units (7.5 qtr. units) 10 credits
* Through petition, students may request to receive 10 credits for college courses earning 4 semester units. Petitions require parent/guardian permission and will be made through the school site counseling office. Petitions are subject to principal approval. Approval will be based on the student’s postsecondary plans to ensure that the course meets post-secondary entrance requirements. 
PUSD Board Policy:

College Courses Process

Students may petition to take classes at colleges by completing the K-12 Special Admission Approval Form.  The appropriate form (depending on where you are planning to attend) must be submitted to the school for signature and approval.
Please send all completed forms to Ester Berry, Administrative Specialist, at [email protected]. Mrs. Berry will collect the forms and review them with the school’s administration each week. Please include the following in your email to Mrs. Berry:
Full name
Student ID number
Name of courses you wish to take
State whether or not you want the course to transfer back to your Westview transcript. There are limitations to transferring credit and this will be considered when reviewing your request.

Palomar College Courses

Please visit the Poway Unified School District’s Concurrent Enrollment website for a list of Palomar courses that are approved for high school credit with PUSD.
Palomar Contacts for questions about the above: 
Admissions Hours: Monday - Thursday: 7:30 am - 6:00 pm | Friday 7:30 am-2:00 pm​
Phone: 760-744-1150, ext 2164
Email:  [email protected]

The San Diego Community College District (Miramar, Mesa, City)

The San Diego Community College District also allows high school students to take courses. They have an online course request process that you can find here.