Athletic Clearance
Please read the Home Campus Instructions to register, and use the check list below to be sure to turn in all required forms. Clearance can be delayed if forms are missing or incomplete.
The PUSD required forms are below. Be sure to complete the 2-page health history to take to the physical exam appointment. If you need to carry any medications for sport or school, please be sure to print those forms to take to the appointment. Original documents must be submitted, no scans, emails or photocopies will be accepted.
Home Campus registration is required for an athlete to be cleared for a Ticket to Play (TTP - see below) to try out for a Westview sport team. If trying out for multiple sports, be sure to include them on your initial registration.
Incoming freshman: if you attended a PUSD middle school, the student ID remains the same. Returning students: Please note that the Ticket-to-Play "pick up" process has changed! Updated instructions are below.
Please do not obtain a physical exam before May 31st if your student could be participating in a spring sport!
☐ signed Home Campus confirmation page; and
☐ completed PUSD Health History and Physical Exam forms*. Physicals can only be accepted from a California Licensed Health Care Provider, are valid for 12-months, and cannot expire during the selected sports season.
☐ Authorization for Student to Carry Medication (if applicable):
If student uses any medication (prescription or over the counter) during the school day and/or while playing sports, parent/student/prescribing health care provider must complete PUSD Form H-26B {MAF}. Students with anaphylaxis allergies PUSD Form H-58 {AAEP}. Students with Asthma who need to carry an inhaler will need the Asthma Symptom Action Plan. Bring (all) the medication(s) for verification along with the completed form to the Athletic Assistant or Athletic Trainers. This will need to be completed annually per California State Ed Code.
Athletic Clearance Forms Drop-Off
Forms maybe dropped off at the Athletics Office during normal school hours or at the Athletic Trainers next to the ENS locker rooms. The Athletics Office and Athletic Trainers Office is not open on the weekends or non-school days.
Forms submitted late can take an extended length of time to review, depending on time allotted outside of responsibilities to teams that have already begun. There will not be drop-off availability during District breaks, non-school days, or holidays.
If you have a question regarding your clearance status, please check the email used for the Home Campus registration. All denial/clearance notifications are sent to the email associated with the registration. Denial emails will have instructions on the corrections that need to be made.
Incomplete or missing forms could delay the clearance further, so please double check before dropping off. Forms submitted late take an extended length of time to review, depending on time allotted outside of responsibilities to the in season sports and school breaks. Clearance itself is required, however the student is under no obligation to try out.
Obtain a Physical
Print the PUSD Health History and Physical Exam forms (3 pages). Complete the health history (two pages), then take to your physician with the Physical Examination form for them to complete. Physicals are good for ONE year from date of examination and cannot expire during the sports season. {Must be valid prior to the season and valid through the conclusion of the season.} Make sure all line items {‘yes’ explanations, dates, signatures, etc.} are completed before you leave the doctor; otherwise omissions may cause delays. Physicals must be original documents! No scanned/emailed copies will be accepted. If you do not have the original Physical Exam form, it may be faxed directly from the physician's office to Westview.
Need a physical? Please consider the following health care providers who have been generous with their time in supporting Westview Athletics and can provide a sports physical at their clinics.
Athletic Clearance 2024-2025 Due Dates
(Athletics is closed during the summer. Forms will not be accepted or processed during that time.)
Ticket to Play Schedule
All Tickets-to-Play (TTP) will be given directly to the Coach! If the student is not cleared in the Home Campus registration, a TTP will not be printed, and the student will not be allowed to participate or try-out until cleared. Please see below for how to check the clearance status. No ticket, No Play!
For tryout information, please visit the Westview Teams page or contact the coach if the information is not posted.
Please be advised that coaches may choose to close team rosters at any time after the start of the Westview sport season. Clearances processed after the due date do not guarantee a tryout. Please visit the Westview Athletic Clearance website or contact the coach for tryout information.
Check Your Cleared Status
Please monitor the email registered with the Home Campus account, as any cleared and/or denial emails will be/were sent to that email address. You can also check your students’ status by logging into their Home Campus registration. Log into your Home Campus account. If status reads Cleared, refer to above TTP pick up schedule; Uncleared status indicates your registration is pending review; and if you have a Denied status, please check the email registered with the Home Campus account for action items.
The Athletic Clearance must be renewed each school year. Only PUSD forms are accepted.